One of the main challenges faced by businesses participating in social media promotions is how to increase their followers (and likes).

The question that keeps pondering in our heads is how to increase the number of footfalls on our business page and how to interact with our customers and share our viewpoints and content. It is very difficult to reach out to the customers as the competition is getting different from time to time.

Today, we have the likes of Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn and the latest to join the group is Instagram. These social media sites, if tapped properly can boost your business and will help you reach out to your customers or clients easily. Here are some of the ways to increase your followers and likes across multiple social media platforms, more so on Instagram.

Share Quality Content

The first and foremost part of any business page is the content. Yes, content is king in social media too! So, it’s essential to have the right and good quality content on any page to leave a lasting impression on your customers. Good quality content also helps in creating an impression on the customers’ mind. Having high quality content on your business page and sharing it on social media sites like Instagram is sure to fetch you many followers.


Email Signature

Create an email signature that will have links to your company’s social media profiles to have more visibility. You can encourage your employees and co-workers to follow suit. This will let your customers and clients know about your social media presence and they will automatically start following you. In other words, wherever your mail goes, your social media profiles should go.

You can also have a blog page signature if you do not have a website. Just including your social media links on your blog page will help add a lot of followers.


Business Cards

Business cards is yet another important tool that you can use just like your email signature. Include your social media profiles like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram on the back of your card or below your email address to indicate your presence.


Embed Your Videos

If you have any videos that you would like to upload, make sure that you add them to your YouTube profile and embed them on your website. In this way, people will know about your YouTube page and in turn you will benefit.


About Us or Contact Us Pages

The about us or contact us pages are the most important sections of any website. That’s where most of the conversion takes place. Adding social media profile links on this page will offer your website visitors more mediums to contact you besides email and telephone. Also, since social media sites are more public, people can see comments about you.


Direct Mail

If you cannot break the habit of using direct mailing as a strategy, you can include your social media profile links in every piece of content that you send. These links can be added to coupons, brochures, and even catalogues.


Facebook Like Box

You can install a Facebook like box on your website or blog page. And while doing so, make sure that this box is clearly visible and strategically placed on the website or the blog page. Besides this, you can also have an invite friends tab installed on your webpage or blog page. This will help you in getting customers or clients who are interested in getting all the updates regarding your company on a regular basis.

Share useful and quality content which goes beyond your products or services, your brand, promote your products or services and invest some time and patience to boost your social media presence. This is the true recipe to increase the number of followers on social media sites and give a new dimension to your business. Wish you good luck!