Instagram is still relatively younger compared to other social media platforms. During that time, only a few people utilize the social media platform. However, the time came when it became more popular and acquired by quite a number of social media sites like Facebook. A mobile app has also been developed, making the social media site more accessible and easier to use among users. Nowadays, countless people use this platform for popularity or business promotions.
Using Instagram for boosting popularity is only effective if you have numerous followers. And these are not mere followers, but fans who are waiting for your posts online. Skills will bring you to the next level, but not necessarily grant your needed online presence. Take note of the following points to boost your popularity and gain more followers in Instagram.
Geotagging with Instagram
Geotagging is the process of tagging your pictures with the location where it was taken. When you tag a certain picture in the location, it will save the photos in the archives. You may also notice some of your followers tagging their locations and see if they’ve been in the same area. This is becoming a famous way of promoting several establishments and making it useful for business purposes.
As you check your followers’ geotags, don’t be stingy in liking their entries. Remember that if you want likers, you need to like their posts as well.
Working on your current followers
If you already have several followers within your database, you can start working by promoting your Instagram page. Consider this as a way of spreading the word about your account and introduce them to potential followers.
Keep in mind that you need to maximize your promotion modes. However, also remember that announcing is not the same as spamming. Use your social media pages like Facebook, your website, email list, and newsletter subscribers to introduce your account. You’ll be surprised with the number of people who will follow you right on the social media page.
Quality versus quantity
You may have heard of this saying in every marketing strategy as advised by clients. In the case of Instagram, quality means the photos you share are worth liking and has the capacity to be viral. If it’s viral, friends will share it to others and ultimately gaining followers from you. Don’t put a lot of image in a day because it will look spammy, which may have reverse effect than your goals.
Join the fun!
You should pose yourself as an approachable individual if you want to gain more followers. Interact with your followers and join the trend craze online. Use hashtags or the tags with attached number sign on them and join the number of people who are currently following a certain event. Talk them online or share photos as part of introducing your name in the network.
Attracting followers for your Instagram account doesn’t have to be difficult. Remember these tips and start gaining the benefits of having more followers that boost your online presence.