Have you ever wondered what is a Day like on Instagram?

With these few lines we are going to live an average day on this famous mobile photo-sharing social network, started in San Francisco back in 2010.

If you forgot to put in a silent mode your Iphone or Smartphone, probably by 5 am you would already be awaken by a series of rings witnessing activity on Instagram by friends you follow.There is always among your friends circles that guy or girl that likes to wake up early to snap the very first picture of the day, may that be the sunrise, the first coffee on the way to work, or a selfie about a still asleep face, pillow-shaped! If you are a social network person, you cannot but reply with a funny comment on the pictures, careful to post a “Like it” to pictures coming from those touchy friends you would never want to listen asking you: “Why didn’t you put a Like on my picture?” Then for the sake of peace you go along with it. Why not responding to your friends with your selfie picture wishing a good start of the day? Getting to work, you may have to wait for the next coffe break to post the pictures of that funny accident happened in the office or the ugly customer who robbed you half of your morning with the strangest of requests. Reaching lunch Break you may want to post the beautiful inviting picture of a fresh Caesar salad, a big dish of Pasta or that fragrant slice of Pizza. You are then curious to check the dozens of pictures your friend posted, exchanging pictures counsels on where to eat altogether next time, or competing about whom got the bigger food portion.

After a boring afternoon caring for never ending paperwork, you may just be longing for some beautiful relaxing landscape pictures of your friend from Scotland along with drop of rains always present in that area of the world. Just a while to recover and be back to reality, with an incredible list of notifications ranging from Whatsapp, Viber, Facebook, Twitter and unseen Instagram Pictures, you desire secretly one day to free yourself from all the accounts on your mobile phone and the stress they bring to keep pace with them.

Yet by night, before getting to sleep, the addiction is too strong to resist the temptation to have a look at all notifications! Even today you got into the next day, sleeping over your phone!