The Classifications

It is a time when people no longer have the need to travel in order to socialize. Everything occurs inside a digital world to an extent where real socializing is extinct to the point of void. This factor has been exploited as a business idea that has turned social networking into a billion dollar source of income. Several different types have evolved each in its own area of expertise regarding both content and members. Some are ridiculously popular with countless visitors; others are less popular but with better content and less spam for with an increase in visitors, possibility of spam increases through ads. Although the endgame of every social network is the same, the difference lies in the route. There are different objectives to different networks to keep the website unique. Some offer business opportunities and forums to discuss business goals and even contact clients. Others have an educational forum or a photography forum like Pinterest.


Traits considered

Being a social network the primary aspect would be to have as many visitors to login to the website as possible. The number of visitors is the key element in any kind of ranking followed by features and content. Advertising capabilities ensure reach capabilities to users and is also a crucial factor to generate a ranking. The other aspects involve likeability and the response generated by users. It also depends on the intimacy of communication provided as well as privacy. It is a way to share the life of an individual with others and the better achievement closer to the objective.


The presentation

Incorporating a greater part of the traits considered, Facebook comes with a wide variety of features and possibilities that involve sharing photos, links, posts, videos, music and even, as of now, feelings. It creates a position to be as intimate with other users as possible. Twitter is a sharing network where one can share photographs or write a short description of some opinion, or event for others to see. It does not have a patent one on one conversation; it is more of a newsletter. MySpace has become a forum for music and LinkedIn a forum for business and work related matters. Other lesser sites like Orkut have the same endgame as Facebook but with not as many features.


The judgment

Based on features and possibility of intimacy with other users, Facebook tops the list as one of the best social networks. It has the privacy of chat as well as a system to hide posts from unwanted users. It has the best way of promoting expressions and is the most user-friendly as per user feedback. Twitter follows with features like hash tags and short blogging. It does not have direct communication or the privacy and posts are viewable by everyone and opportunity for advertising is maximized. LinkedIn is followed by MySpace considering number of users, as the number of office goers is more than the number of musicians and artists. The rest includes minor sites like Google+, DeviantArt, and Orkut in that order.